
Journey of the Baby Sea Turtle

August 23, 2021 Diverse Language Services

Experience one of the greatest conservation stories in the Sea of Cortez. A story where millions of sea turtles begin their extraordinary journey! From April to December, female turtles return to their birthplace to lay their eggs, and dedicated conservationists work tirelessly to protect them. They collect the nests and relocate them to safe, controlled environments, ensuring the hatchlings have the best chance of survival. Once hatched, these tiny turtles are released back into the ocean—a moment you’ll never forget, especially knowing that only 1 in 1,000 will survive.

Before arriving to the sea turtle conservation area, we will make a quick stop to enjoy a delicious ranch-style breakfast. After the release enjoy time strolling along the beach before taking an alternate scenic route back to La Paz.

An unforgettable adventure. Join us for a day you won’t forget!

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